Wednesday, April 4, 2012

In loving memory

On March 26th, 2012, at 5:00PM, my grandma Cheryl Kaye Smith went to Heaven. She passed away from pneumonia and lymphoid cancer. I was with her during the last 10 hours of her life. She passed away 15 minutes after my mother and I left the hospital. I wrote her obituary and a poem for her and her funeral is on April 14th. I decided to use her middle name, "Kaye" in one of my novels.

In loving memory... R.I.P. Cheryl Kaye Smith

                       We were both wearing gold rings on the day she passed away...

In other news, and slightly more uplifting, I started my new job as a student worker in the accounting department at the local court house. It's a nice job.

Favorite songs from this week:

(click on each song to listen to it)
What Sarah Said by Death Cab For Cutie

Mountains by Biffy Clyro

I Gave You All by Mumford and Sons

Until We Bleed by Lykke Li
Favorite picures of this week: 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


It's been stormy here the past two days. I am enjoying it, but sadly I've been mostly enjoying it alone.

My mom has been with her parents, helping them go through all of the items in their house since they are moving into a retirement home soon. I know it's got to be an exhausting, stressful, and emotional process for them.

My dad has been with his mom in the hospital. We found out Friday that she has cancer, and today she made the decision to start chemo therapy. She is in her 60s.

I worry about my grandparents...

Felix, my rabbit, has been showing more and more of his personality every day. Curious, playful, and rather bossy and demanding, he certainly lets me know when he's bored and when he wants attention. When he's bored, he'll rip up newspaper, ruffle up his blanket, and push around his litter box and food bowls. When he wants attention, he'll come up to me and nudge my arm or hand with his head, place his two front paws on my leg, or gently take the bottom of my pant legs in his mouth and tug. He still doesn't seem to like being held for too long, but he definitely loves to be petted on the head. I love messing with his ears. They are so cute! And all of him is super soft.

I've downloaded a few more song recently. Apprends-moi by Superbus, Fantastic Baby by Bigbang, Glad You Came by The Wanted, Turn Up The Music by Chris Brown, Feel So Close by Calvin Harris, and We Are Young by Fun.

Movies I've watched recently? Pride & Prejudice, VanHelsing with Hugh Jackman (such a hottie!), all of the Twilight movies including Breaking Dawn part 1, Finding Neverland, and today it is Alpha & Omega (such a good movie about wolves for kids!)

Also finished writing my bookreview for "Envy" by Gregg Olsen. As soon as I am provided with the website it will be posted on, I will post it on here in a separate post :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Guess what everyone?! I got a bunny rabbit today!!! His name is Felix (aka Mr. Adorable) and he is a 3 year old holland lop and he is my new baby. Below are pictures of him. If any of you have suggestions for fun little toys or what to feed him then let me know :)

My dog, Manchu, absolutely loves Felix. Ever since I brought him home Manchu has wanted to be close to him, and he's being such a nice boy. He has given Felix a few affectionate licks, and has also tried to play with him--as if he were another dog! It was so funny! I hope that they will be best friends :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

KONY 2012

This is a message to you: Joseph Kony must be stopped and Invisible Children must be saved! Don't know what this is? Then take a look at this article and this website and find out more about how to bring peace to Uganda.

An article that briefly explains Kony 2012 and Invisible Children:

The link to the offical Kony 2012 page where you can sign a pledge and get involved with spreading the word:

For even MORE extremely detailed information about this movement, please visit this link:

But, the best thing to do would be to watch this video (Kony 2012)

Buy your posters, t-shirts, stickers and bracelets at Invisible Children Store

To those who do not believe that this movement is needed, please watch this video To Critics of Kony 2012

My message to Kony: We, the world, are out to get you. We will bring justice, we will save those who you have taken, and we will arrest you. You can't hide forever when the entire world is watching you. The world is going to make you famous. We will STOP AT NOTHING!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

7 Things I Learned Today

I learned a few interesting things today...

1-- I can somehow manage to miss 20 minutes of a math lecture... Oh, wait, I know mind decided to have it's own inner monolouge while my professor was giving a lecture. Ha.

2-- While it may've been a good idea to go to the gym at 7:00pm on a Sunday, it's not such a good idea to go at 7:30pm on a Tuesday.

3-- A few people, usually the ones who I open up to the most, are sometimes frustrated with me because I "can't ever seem to be happy" or "satisfied" and I usually always find something to fuss over or worry about. I think this is because I care too much...about a lot of different things.

4-- A friendship of mine has been strained recently, and I found out today that the only way to make the relationship better is if I fully accept this person for who they are and stop hoping to try and change them.

5-- I enjoy meeting people under strange circumstances. For example, while at the grocery store I was about to pull out a jug of milk from the shelf of the refridgerator, when I notice someone moving behind the shelves. I then see that it's a guy, presumably re-stocking the shelves, and I suddenly blurt out, "Why hello there!" and he looks up and smiles. It was a nice addition to my day.

6-- I look more like a girl and less like a boy when I wear makeup, as simple as eye-liner and lip-gloss.

7-- I am blessed, in many ways, and am far luckier than most. I am grateful, and always try to act that way. Easier said than done, I'm afraid.

These are my favorite pictures today:

Monday, February 27, 2012


So, today here it is rainy. It's been raining since about 2:45pm and it is now 5:55pm. I'm enjoying it immensely, since we don't get nearly as much rain as I would like, but unfortunately I have no one to enjoy the cuddling weather with except for my owl pillow (picture below) since my mom is spending time with her parents, and the only other person who I'd want to share this day with is working and probably won't feel like coming over afterwards even though I invited him.

Speaking of owl pillows, which in a way is related to stuffed animals, I have an enormous soft spot for stuffed animals. One of my true weaknesses and a love I've never grown out of no matter how hard I try to. The next two photos are of my all-time favorite stuffed animal that I was given for a graduation gift. His name is William.

You may notice that my hair was, at one point, black, and that I've had different cuts. This is true, and some of you may be wondering why I decided to cut my hair so short. One reason was because I wanted a drastic change, but another reason was because I was inspired by Demi Moore in the film Ghost to cut my hair short.

And, speaking of movies, I just finished watching Disney's TARZAN (I love the soundtrack!), and at 8:00pm I plan on watching House M.D., my favorite TV show currently, and one of the only TV shows I really have time to watch.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Consumerism Conspiracy

Consumerism and its connection with conspiracy. Could it be possible that companies that produce consumerism products, such as cars, DVD players, phones, TVs, etc., are all partaking in the conspiracy of screwing their customers? Think about it for a second. What if all of the products we buy, especially technology items, are purposefully made to deteriorate in performance within a few years? That way consumers are constantly having to buy new products every 2-3 years or so, as an example. For cars, it may be more like 5-6 years. For phones, the standard is about 2 years. But take this for example. My mom and I have a DVD player. We bought this DVD player 5 years ago. About a year ago, its performance drastically started to decrease. Now, my mom and I never know when it'd going to "load" a DVD successfully or not. Sometimes it doesn't load the DVD at all, other times it loads the DVD but the DVD skips (we know it is not a problem with the DVD because the DVD will play perfectly fine in any other DVD player) or the DVD will load and play perfectly...but the fact is that my mom and I never know when it's going to work properly and when it's not. While 5 years may seem like a reasonable spans of time for errors like this to occur, the fact that we have another DVD player that we bought only 2 years ago and that sometimes this DVD player does not successfully load DVDs, and sometimes it won't open and close until repeatedly turning on and off the DVD system, does not seem reasonable to me at all. It also just so happens that over the last 2 years or so Blue-Ray DVD players have "started to take over" and some say that soon they'll stop producing regular DVD players all together. I have a huge collection of DVDs, and a huge collection of VCRs. For those who still watch VCR tapes and regular DVDs, the idea of halting the production of regular DVD players and VCR players would be, at least in my opinion, rather tragic and annoying since I would then have to buy all of my movies on Blue-Ray. Could it be that companies purposefully do this so we'll be spending more and more and more money? Purposefully making it so devices start to perform poorly after a certain amount of time, purposefully halt the production of certain products just so consumers will buy newer, more expensive items even if they already have them (referring to the example of regular DVDs and VCRs compared to Blue-Ray DVDs and DVD players)? Any thoughts?

A Beautiful Day

I'm the kind of girl who will sit out on her front porch or in the grass of her front yard with her laptop on a sunny day to do her math homework. Why? Because it gives me a chance to enjoy the beautiful day, I can focus on my homework without getting too distracted by other things (such as TV, a book, etc.) and it's more enjoyable than the very air-conditioned, cold house my mom likes to keep. Yes, I still live with my mom. It's rather beneficial since she doesn't mind when my friends come over, sometimes she makes me dinner, and I don't have to pay rent since we have a mutual agreement that as long as I'm in college I don't have to pay to live there. We have been considering the idea of possibly seeing about getting a room-mate (for those reading this from in Australia, when Americans mean room-mate as in someone who lives in our house and pays us money) because my mom could really use the money and help around the house. Anyways, I've wandered off my original topic. Today is, by far, a beautiful day.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So, has been one of those days where I just had to throw my hands up in the air and say, "I don't know anymore!" and I totally thought of this picture when asked about my day...

But, thank goodness for me, I have some great friends who successfully kept my mind off a lot of troubling thoughts...

I don't have a favorite song, or songs, today, but here's the song I'm listening to as I write this post.

click me!Hate Me by Blue October

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Gym

So, where I live, and according to my findings tonight, it's best to go to the 24-hour gym after 7:00PM. The gym is also a place where you make eye-contact with random people, and if you happen to be me, random guys. Though, is the gym really a place to meet someone? Not that I'm trying to, because I'm honestly not, but I just many people can honestly say that they met their girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, partner, etc., at the gym? I still have yet to meet someone who has :) I went to the gym tonight to run, but because I felt rather exhausted, I ended up just walking for 1 1/4 miles. The fact that I get a free shower with my membership is, I have to say, pretty nice. Do any of you like to go to the gym? If so, which one?

My First Blog, My First Blog Post

So, my first blog, my first post. No idea if anyone will read this, but if they do...awesome. If you want to get some idea about who I am, I laid it out pretty well in the profile, but something you all should know is that I'm just a girl who is trying to figure out who she is. I know the basics: I'm creative, and I show my creativity through my writing, I'm emotional, I'm sensitive, I'm all for romance and that chance at a lasting, true love, I have a soft spot for wolves, stuffed animals, and anyone with a broken heart. I'm not writing this blog to tell my story to everyone, because my story is, truthfully, pretty boring. I'm writing this blog to try and put myself out there, trying to get known, maybe meet a few people who can help me on my walk in life, or at least entertain those who like to read. I guess I'm also writing this blog to hear from my readers...I want comments, but I also want to get to know the people who comment. What is YOUR story? Are you a blogger? Who are you? That's what this blog is for. Finding out who I am, and who you are, and just...connecting. That's what the Internet and Social Networking is for, right? Connecting? Well, I think so :)

Oh, and by the way, this is me...