Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Your Tug On My Heart

Your Tug On My Heart
By Paige D. 4/2/14

Hey, hey, see me
Pat attention to me, please notice me
Listen to the voice in your head
And the skip in your heart
Whenever you come near me

Hey, hey, see me
Was what the tug on my heart said
When we first met, when I first gave in
I always knew deep inside something
Was special when I looked into your eyes
There may not have been fireworks
But there was still a tug on my heart I couldn’t
Ignore, and when we got to talking,
It was like I was suddenly walking on air

But I had so many stepping stones
To stumble over before I met you
And I’m still stepping over a few
Which is why I’m still a little scared inside
When I think of how close we’ve come so soon
I feel the love and devotion, the comfort and hope,
And I want all of those feelings to continue to grow
Healthily and happily between me and you

Once again, I am finding faith
In the love of another
Now I put that faith in you
I know I am still damaged
But I know I met you for a reason
I am holding onto that belief
And so I took that little tug I felt
And I took a chance and made you mine

I can’t promise that I’ll be your forever
I swore I’d never make that promise again
Because I’m not easy to love
But I can promise that I want to be
And though I can’t say that I’m not afraid
Please know that I am still happy

I want our dreams to mesh
Our trust to be unbreakable
Our love to be the puzzle piece to each other
Is it scary that I already want so much?
But I know that for a while you have
Wanted to know what it would be like to love me
And secretly I wondered if you could
Now, I am yours, and you are mine

I just want a love that can last
That is why I could not ignore
Your tug on my heart
We write our story together now
And maybe instead of writing The End

We will write Eternity…

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